Leave it the Fuck Alone: A Plant Care Guide (ebook)


What if I told you that you could have the indoor jungle of your dreams?

What if I told you it was easier and more enjoyable than you could ever imagine?

Are you the greatest Plant Master you can be?

Because if not, this book will CHANGE YOUR LIFE 😉

LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE will help you become an overnight plant success. It is meant to save you endless time, money, and headaches.

I've taken what I have learned from over a quarter of a century of growing houseplants and distilled it down into this no-nonsense guide. I’ve filled it with all the information you need to master the indoor jungle of your dreams and nothing more. I've kept it short enough to finish in a few hours or less.

Step into your Dream Jungle


2. Read it in a few hours or less

3. Tame your indoor jungle

It's really that simple.

I believe this book will be so helpful, if you haven't leveled up your plant game by the time you are done, you’ll get your money back PLUS 10% off all DIRTY ROOTS products now and forever! And you still get to keep the book! just email me at hello@dirtyrootsberlin.com

LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE will help you avoid a home full of dead, dying, and ugly plants. Instead, you will go from plant Novice to Expert in a few hours.

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