How to entertain your plants during quarantine
Most people around the world, myself included, are currently confined to our homes. As the world around us changes quickly and many of us find ourselves with more free time than we are used to, we are afforded a great opportunity to finally get around to doing those plant projects that need a little extra time and care. But now that you are stuck at home what is it that you should do? Below is a list of time-consuming plant tasks that you can undertake to kill some time while improving the health and beauty of the plants around you.
How to Clean Plant Leaves
“Cleaning her leaves helps her breath!” as I like to say. Many of us neglect dusting around the home, particularly our plants, and especially those plants with lots of little leaves. (I’m thinking of you Ficus benjamina) But if you don’t clean the leaves of your plants regularly dust and sediment build up and clog the breathing pores. Along with that, many people still spray the leaves of their plants regularly (a practice I don’t usually recommend) and unless you are using rainwater or distilled water there will be hard water spots and mineral buildup. Now is the time to go in and clean ‘em off!
How To Make Homemade Leaf Shine
A simple dry or damp rag works well for dust, but homemade leaf shine works great for hard water spots and brings back the luster of the leaves. To make it simply mix a little bit of lemon juice and a bit of cream or milk. There are many recipes you can find online, but the exact ratio isn’t too important, just make sure it is mostly water and just a touch of lemon juice and dairy. (If you are vegan you can forgo the dairy altogether.)
Spring is a Good Time to Repot
Now that the days are getting longer and many of our indoor plants are just starting to push out new growth after their winter sleep it is a great time to repot those plants that need a bigger home. If you have access to fresh potting medium and containers, why not get your hands dirty and finally take the time to give those root-bound friends a good root comb and repot?
Time To Prune
Get those sharp scissors from the drawer and get cutting! Now that you have some time, start removing dead and dying leaves, prune back those long straggly branches, and shoots. Since many of your plants are starting to push out new growth, it’s a great time to make some shaping decisions. When done right pruning helps to strengthen your plants and helps keep them under control.
Time To Make Cuttings
Since you’ve just chopped down your plants now is also a great time to increase your number of plants by taking many of those pruned pieces and turning them into clones of the mother by taking cuttings. Many plants can be grown from cuttings easily, and it’s a great time of year to do it! Just make sure you research each plant specifically to find the easiest and most successful propagation method for your plants.
Depending on the number of house plants you have this may take you a few hours or a few days but either way, it’s a great way to take care of some plants while we are stuck indoors.
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